Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor CareerOneStop is a website that assists those seeking employment to locate the nearest American Job Centers and job training programs. Among the resources they provide there is information directly related to helping ex-offenders find local resources; tips on how to talk to potential […]
Getting Assistance
The Texas Workforce Commission provides assistance for Unemployment Benefits and information regarding available employment opportunities. Additionally, they administer the Federal Bonding Program, which provides fidelity bonding insurance coverage to individuals with criminal histories and other high-risk job applicants who are qualified, but fail to get jobs because regular commercial bonding […]
Texas Workforce Commission
Helping Individuals with criminal records Re-enter through Employment (H.I.R.E) Network is a national organization that both advocates and serves as a clearinghouse for information. Their goal is to help increase both the quantity and quality of job opportunities that are available to those individuals with a criminal background. H.I.R.E.‘s website […]